Welcome to Abhiroop's Website!

Hello! My name is Abhiroop Sarkar and I am a Computer Science and Engineering student at The Ohio State University.

After graduation, I plan to work in the field of Software Engineering. Although I am not sure what specifically I want to do in this field, I am currently finding Artificial Intelligence to be very interesting. One of my personal goals is to travel to other parts of the world, especially Europe. Even though I have been to France before, I want to go to other countries to explore different cultures and try new types of food. I enjoy biking, playing video games, and spending time with my family and friends in my free time.

My Experience

Software Engineering Fellow

  • Building 5+ AI apps and APIs using NextJS, OpenAI, Pinecone, StripeAPI with 98% accurary as seen by 1000 users
  • Developing projects from design to deployment leading 4+ engineering fellows using MVC design patterns
  • Coached by Amazon, Bloomberg, and Capital One engineers on Agile, CI/CD, Git and microservice patterns

STEM Scholars Leadership Council Member

  • Organize and coordinate academic and social events for the STEM Scholars program, fostering a strong sense of community and collaboration among scholars
  • Assist program manager with leadership duties, contributing to the planning and successful execution of program initiatives
  • Host and lead STEM Scholar events, ensuring a supportive and inclusive environment for all participants

Marketing Software Engineering Intern

  • Researched and compiled faculty contact information from over 100 school districts across multiple states, enhancing the marketing outreach strategy
  • Designed and evaluated exams for students using DataMate, ensuring accurate assessment and effective feedback for educational improvement

Junior Friends Volunteer

  • Researched and listed books for sale on Amazon and eBay, increasing online sales and visibility
  • Organized and shelved books efficiently, maintaining an orderly and accessible library environment
  • Edited and enhanced pictures of books and DVDs, improving the visual appeal and marketability of the items online

Personal Projects


ChatNexus is a real-time chatting application where users can chat with other users from around the world by simply creating an account. Users can create/join group chat rooms and direct message other users.

The frontend of the application is developed with React and CSS, while the backend utilizes Node.js and Express for server-side logic, and MongoDB for data storage and management of users and chat logs.


QuizFusion is an interactive quiz application developed using React and Open Trivia Dabase API that allows users to generate quizzes by topic, type, difficulty level, number of questions. Users can test their knowledge and view their score and the questions that they answered wrong upon completion.


DishFinder is a simple recipe finder app that allows users to find recipes by ingredients, cuisine type, and filters such as diet, health and meal types. The app is developed using React and fetches recipe data from Edamame API.

Languages and Frameworks